Tikun Hbris (Rectifying the sin of spilling seed)


  • Know that there are two sides.
  • The side of good, and the side of evil (Sitra Achrah).
  • G-d created evil to provide man with free will.
  • The Sitra Achrah is like a shell (klipah) it has no energy of its own.
  • All the klipas must receive their substance from the side of holiness (kedusha).

  • In the days of idol worship (avodah zarah) people would consciously channel energy to the forces of evil through meditating and other practices.
  • Human fluids especially, provide substance to demonic forces.
  • It is for this reason that many satanic rituals require semen or blood.

  • All pain and suffering that exists in the world comes from the klipas.
  • In this generation the klipas receive most of their nourishment from people who are pogem their bris (desecrate the convent).
  • The most common of these transgressions is spilling seed (motze zera lvtalah).
  • Unfortunately this sin is quite common today. If people would realize its consequences many would stop.
  • Due to our low level and many sins this topic is ignored
  • Just the opposite, shmiras habris is the most important issue to deal with today.
  • If people would be shomer habris (guard the convent) Moshiach would come much faster.

  • Part of the seminal fluid (shichvas zera) comes from the brain, this is sent down the spine.
  • When a person spills seed he is wasting away part of his brain.
  • This lowers all functions of the brain especially memory.
  • Unfortunately most people were pogem since they were young and no longer remember their state of mind before they started.
  • Most people nowadays are controlled by their subconscious. Even conscious acts are strongly tainted by their subconscious.
  • This enslaves a person, strongly limiting his abilities.
  • Again someone who has never been out of the klipas can not associate with this. Through meditation one can feel this.
  • Spilling seed makes this much worse. A persons emotions are thrown totally out of balance.
  • People who are pogem often have a hard time controlling their temper, they are subjects of sadness and depression and lose their self confidence.

  • Wasting seed uses up a lot of of the bodies energy this has many physical manifestations.
  • People who are pogem are always tired and need more sleep.
  • In addition the running of the hormones causes bad body oder and breath.
  • It causes people to bald prematurely and hair growth in strange places.
  • Note it has different effects on different people.
  • Also note any of the things listed above could have been caused by other reasons.

  • There is spiritual energy all over the place.
  • A special part of the brain is designated to receive these signals.
  • However the information entering from the five senses is so strong that it blocks out the spirituality.
  • A person who studies torah keeps halacha and meditates can feel spirituality very strongly. 
  • Even a regular person can feel spirituality to some degree. A person should feel a difference on Shabbat.
  • Someone who is pogem habris loses almost all his ability to perceive kedusha.
  • One also loses his desire to study torah and do mitzvos.

  • Just like a person creates children through intercourse so to a person draws down souls every time he spills seed.
  • These souls are immediately captured by the forces of evil who torture and starve them stealing all their energy for themselves.
  • The souls brought down through a persons sins are also considered his kids.
  • They are not to happy about the position their father put them in.
  • After a person dies these souls come to take revenge on their father, causing him many problems.
  • In addition they also come after his physical children and try to harm them.
  • There are a number of halochos during the funeral and shivah that help prevent this.

  • Using energy taken from this person, the forces of darkness give birth to Lilim (sexual demons).
  • These demons hang around a person steal his energy, confuse him and stick thoughts in his head.
  • Do not let this amaze you for if one meditates he will see many thoughts streaming through his mind are not his own.
  • These thoughts include sexual thoughts, thoughts denying G-D or just the worthless thoughts that clutter a persons mind most of the day.
  • At night these demons influence the persons dreams, and cause him to have nocturnal emissions (mikreh lilah).

  • If a person knows what he is doing he can climb to high spiritual levels.
  • Someone who was pogem habris has damaged the sifirah of Yesod, it is impossible for him to get far unless he rectifies the flaws he created.

  • When a person wants to stop being pogem it is very important for him to start learning the basics of Kabbalah.
  • Someone who understands the way things work will have a much easer time listening to halacha and sacrificing for Judaism.
  • In addition if a person meditates he can easily feel the ups and downs of spiritual life.

  • Advice is given in the holy books...if quitting for life is to much for a person to handle he should look at one day or week at a time.
  • Also if a person can overcome his embarrassment and talk to his rabbi or friend about this subject it will help greatly.

  • Many halochos were created to prevent a person from committing this sin.
  • These are especially relevant to people who have already been pogem.
  • Never touch or look at your bris (sexual organ) be especially careful when going to the bathroom or showering.
  • Do not wear tight clothing especially underwear (wear only boxers).
  • Do not do anything that will warm your body before going to sleep. Eating certain foods and wearing certain clothes can give a person temptations.
  • It is self understood that you should not go near any books, movies, magazines, music, Internet and newspapers. All these are overflowing with zuhamah.
  • If one is smart he will avoid them completely. Do not say "I can continue to watch movies, read books but stop sinning" those who say this are fools.
  • Everyone should analyze their own personal situation and devise a plan to escape destruction. This includes many fences and preventive measures.

  • As we mentioned before wasting seed causes a lot of damage in the spiritual worlds and has many physical manifestation. 
  • Stopping is the first step however many rectifications (tikunim) must now be made.
  • Note the more tikunim a person does the better he will feel.
  • Many seforim (holy books) describe tikunim for this sin, however many of them are extremely harsh and not meant for this weak generation.
  • Also note these tikunim can also help a person to stop being pogem, they can remove a lot of the temptations and sexual thoughts. 

  • The most important tikun is to say Tikun Klali every day.
  • Tikun Klali is composed of ten chapters of Tehilim meant to rectify the damage.
  • Chapters 16, 32, 41, 42, 59, 77, 90, 105, 137, 150.
  • Every chapter of Tahilim has a different power, R’ Nachman of Breslev reveled the ten rectifying the bris.
  • It is very powerful tikun, many sages died early for trying to find and reveal this mystery.
  • It takes around ten minutes to say. Reading it even without understanding the words is still a powerful rectification.
  • R’ Nachman said if one says Tikun Klali and goes to the mikvah on the day he had a mikreh lylah, he has nothing to worry about.
  • Tikun Klali also rectifies all sins to some extent and is said by Breslevers every day.

  • Fasting is a very important tikun. If one can not handle fasting try fasting half a day or eating less then you normally do.
  • Fasting during Shovavim (Mon and Thr Shmos- Mishpatim) works very good.
  • The basic kavanah for a fast is as follows ... One should meditate that the blood and fat being consumed by body activities, instead of food should be in place of the korbnos (sacrifices) that a person would normally have to bring.

  • Going to the mikvah is an important part of the purification process 
  • If you can, go every day, if this is not possible try to go at least on erev shabbot.
  • One who has a mikreh liylah (nocturnal emission) or was pogem heaven forbid, must go to the mikvah as soon as possible.
  • The basic kavanos for the mikvah are... First dip remove the tumah (impurity) have in mind that you are cleaning your soul in the mikvah. Second dip have in mind to bring in kedusha (holiness).
  • On erev shabbot dip in a third time for the honor of shabbot. Have in mind to prepare yourself for receiving the influx of the additional shabbot soul.
  • If one can, meditate on the following divine names while under water (do not pronounce them) Chet Bais Vav. Vav Vav Lamed. Bais Yud Tes. If you can try to visualize them.
  • When one enters the mikvah the chitzonyim (outside forces) have no control over him. All his demons fly away. The longer a person stays under water the more he weakens them.

  • Saying shemah before going to sleep not only rectifies his sins it also protects a person from the sexual demons while sleeping.
  • There are a number of references including the double edged sward, the sixty warriors and the whole yoshev bisaser... have these kavanos.
  • If one wakes up at night and feels demons around say “impure ones, impure ones leave now” three times. Also try to wash and say over the first verse of shema.

  • One should do hisbodidute, pray spontaneously to G-D 
  • This should be done every day on any subject, however one who was pogem should also pray to G-D to forgive him and destroy the demons he created.
  • If one can, he should try to cry as he prays.

  • An important kavanah for tikun habris is done in the amida.
  • When one reaches the blessing about the “dispersed of yisroel” have in mind to gather all the sparks of holiness that you sent into the klipah.
  • Taking the second last letters of the words ychad marba knfos forms the divine name Chet Bais Vav (do not pournounce it).
  • Meditate on this name and pray that the damage you made be rectified.
  • Kanfos also has the gimatryah (numerical equivalence) of tikun.

  • Like any other sin the biggest rectification is to stop other people from committing the same sin.
  • Try to get other people to stop, do it in a way that won’t embarrass anyone.
  • When you try to stop and rectify your sins there will be crazy opposition from the sitra achrah, demons don’t enjoy being killed. Be strong.
  • If you start then mess up don’t worry, start again. Never give up.
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