Regarding the Ephod of Gidon

- After the war with Midyon, Gidon gathered the gold and created an ephod, (breast plate), out of it. He placed it in his city. After he died the Jewish nation strayed after it and were punished for it. (Shoftim 8/27)
- The ephod was a copy of the choshen, breastplate, worn by the Kohen Gadol, High Priest.
- The choshen was a breast plate containing twelve gemstones engraved with the names of the tribes. In back of the plate there was a pouch containing two of G-d’s mystical names written on parchment. This was known as the Urim Vitumim.
- When the high priest needed a divine answer, he would meditate on these two names until the letters on the stones would appear to glow. By combining the letters he would receive an answer.
- This process could only be used for questions regarding national welfare and in other very specific circumstances.
- The names of the Urim Vitumim were known to the prophets, they were able to create copies of the Choshen Ephod.
- These copies were much less powerful but they would work to a degree.
- We therefore find regarding Nov, the city of priests, “There were eighty five priests who would carry on them an ephod” (Shoftim 22/18). Shmuel had one (2/18). When Dovid ran from Shual he was joined by Avyasar who had an ephod.
- These were used by any priest who had attained the level of prophesy.
- After the war Gidon made an ephod to commemorate the great miracle. To show that G-d was the one who gave them the victory.
- The ephod created by Gidon was less powerful then the one worn by the high priest but better then the rest.
- There was nothing wrong with creating an ephod if it was used in holiness. It was not avodah zarah since it was powered by G-d’s names.
- After Gidon’s death people began misusing it. Their intentions flawed their meditations and brought them answers from the other side. The ephod had now become an avodah zarah.

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