The Power of Gad

- The warriors from the Tribe of Gad would have the ability to place a lot of power in their blows. They were known for striking the enemy with a sword, slicing off the head and arm on one blow.
- This is alluded to in their blessing from Moshe, “He shall devour the arm as well as the head.”
- To accomplish this one has to have the ability to not distract himself from his action for even a second. Only by full concentration can one balance the power consistently through his motions. Most people can only concentrate on part of the motion.
- The members of Gad were able to play around with this since they were very stringent in not losing any concentration between the placement of the tifilin of the hand and the head.
- The halacha, law, is that one is not allowed to stop between the time he places the tefilin on his hand to the time he places it on his head.
- The members of the tribe of Gad would practice this in one completely controlled swift motion.

(GRA - Kol Dodi- Vezos Habracha)

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